LOHRENTZ Vision & Mission


Ferdi's vision is to create a collection of unique original animal artwork pieces that will not only offer potential buyers an artwork piece to enhance the ambience of a home or office setting with an intrigue of African mystique and awe but to also proffer investment opportunity.


Ferdi is endeavouring to establish a legacy of art pieces that capture the unique ambience of Africa to become synonymous with the LOHRENTZ - Limited Edition Sculptures brand name. To attract and promote investment growth value Ferdi is limiting replication quantities of respective sculpted pieces to 25 casts. The limited edition casts will be numbered and recorded for posterity as they are individually or collectively integrated into an original artwork ornament or artwork furniture piece. To ensure paucity molds are destroyed after 25 casts

About the product:

The sculptures are cast using a composite cold cast procedure which is a term used to describe the process of mixing metal powders with a synthetic binder to create castings that  give the appearance of solid metals which are then patinated to an antiqued finish to replicate that of the original metal.

The final original Artworks incorporate assiduously sourced and selected pieces of natural indigenous wood that are shaped and refined accordingly rendering each ensuing Art Piece as unique and Original.